Viva Sales.

Introducing Viva Sales – the future of Sales Enablement.

Viva Sales enables you to supercharge your customer relationship management (CRM) with an application that helps focus on your strengths—connecting with customers.

Viva Sales reduces manual data entry by automating mundane tasks, providing sales professionals with a clear status on each contact and utilising AI to help you close more sales.

Viva Sales.

Introducing Viva Sales – the future of Sales Enablement.

Viva Sales enables you to supercharge your customer relationship management (CRM) with an application that helps focus on your strengths—connecting with customers.

Viva Sales reduces manual data entry by automating mundane tasks, providing sales professionals with a clear status on each contact and utilising AI to help you close more sales.

Microsoft Teams

Supercharge your sales team and maximise your CRM with Viva Sales.

Viva Sales is a modern approach to selling. Acting as a CRM companion, Viva Sales reduces the resource drain of mundane tasks for your sales professionals empowering them to prioritise building relationships over tasks like data entry.

Viva Sales joins together all the customer insights a sales professional collects and adds them to the customer record within the CRM. Information is gathered from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Teams, and automatically added to the CRM. So your notes are always up to date, and information is never lost.

By utilising a simple tagging feature that automates data capture, your sales professional time can be spent doing what matters. By capturing this data, it enhances the overall picture of their customers and keeps the rest of the business updated on how the customer relationship is developing.

Now that the CRM is enriched with these new insights and customer data, you can now utilise it’s AI to act like a sales coach, providing you with actions, reminders and recommendations for next steps. This results in sellers being more productive by spending more time talking to customers, more personalised engagements and a quicker route to sales.

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What’s great about Viva Sales is that there is no new way of working to learn, no new system to understand, you are already using everything you need. It is streamlining your existing products to a more efficient, effective work experience.

Viva Sales expands on the existing Microsoft Viva platform, launched to create an integrated employee experience product. Viva collates learning, knowledge, communication and company culture to empower every employee and team to achieve from anywhere. Viva Sales is the first role-based application specifically designed to aid sales professionals to work more effectively within their roles.

With Viva Sales, the products is empowering salespeople with intelligent, data driven insights within their current workstream. It is enabling sellers to spend more time with their customers, creating personalised communications and closing sales quicker.

Transform your customer relationships with Microsoft Viva Sales.

How much of your sales professionals day-to-day is occupied by behind the scenes tasks? Sales utilises new technology to help sellers close deals faster and deliver an excellent customer experience that will encourage loyalty.

ThinkShare’s certified consultants can quickly and simply configure Microsoft Viva Sales for your business as well as provide training and guidance on how to improve your CRM. To discover if Sales is right for you or to receive a free demo, please contact our team today. We look forward to empowering your business to reach its full potential.

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