Viva Learning.

Microsoft Viva has a new product; Viva Learning.

Microsoft Viva believes when people thrive, companies flourish. This is never more valued than through learning. Viva Learning is a module of Viva which encourages employee improvement and development.

It helps your employees to learn on the job, in tools and apps which they are currently utilising.

Viva Learning.

Microsoft Viva has a new product; Viva Learning.

Microsoft Viva believes when people thrive, companies flourish. This is never more valued than through learning. Viva Learning is a module of Viva which encourages employee improvement and development.

It helps your employees to learn on the job, in tools and apps which they are currently utilising.

Discover, share, and prioritise employee Learning.

Learning and development directly influence retention. 55% of workers think they can achieve their goals faster by changing companies. However, Microsoft revealed that 76% of people would prefer to stay if there were training opportunities. Average tenure at companies with a strong L&D strategy is around 5 years, compared to 3 years in companies without reskilling opportunities. “Job hopping” is a growing trend as workers prioritise their professional development over company loyalty. People believe their skills will develop faster if they leave their current job.

Employers need to offer ongoing reskilling to existing employees and establish a learning culture in order to lower employee turnover and the costs associated with recruitment. Learning should be a core element of each employee’s tasks.

Training helps increase employee motivation, loyalty and value to the business through a diverse range of skills. Viva Learning brings training into the flow of work so your people can learn when it’s convenient.

Viva Learning exists as a stand alone app as well as integrated into Teams chats. This integrates learning into an employee’s every day and doesn’t feel like a huge undertaking. Once you have the technology, you need a strategy to make sure learning is easy to pick up and relevant to their goals.

Social Learning

Microsoft Viva allows your teams to create a collaborative learning space. Managers can add a learning tab to pin courses to a channel where your employees are working every day.

Employees can also send courses during their regular team chats. It is a great way to encourage peer learning.

Learning also allows you to recommend courses to fellow colleagues or members of your team which they think would be useful, insightful and beneficial to them.

Personalised Development

Viva Learning allows employees to connect their courses to their career development.

Employees can be sent timely reminders to keep up their training. They can also protect learning time in their calendar so they can prioritise personal growth and development.

Learning also allows employees to view all the courses they have bookmarked, been recommended and assigned so that they can review all saved courses in one place.

Content Discovery

Learning allows your employees to view course content from across the organisation as well as approved Learning Management Systems.

Viva will provide employees personalised learning based on their interests or trending content within the organisation.

Learning is extended across the Microsoft suite as courses can be found across Bing for Work, and SharePoint.

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Microsoft Viva Learning is connected to a number of large learning platforms which can integrate into your Microsoft Teams app. Viva learning encourages seamless experiences to help your employees to focus on work.

With leading solutions from Microsoft’s partner community, you can connect your employees some insightful, relevant and inspiring courses to aid their career progression. Below are just some of the 20+ learning partners.

Unlock the potential of your employees with Microsoft Viva Learning.

Want to start enhancing your employees training with Microsoft Viva Learning? If creating a culture of continuous learning and skills development is a priority, ThinkShare’s certified consultants can quickly and simply configure Microsoft Learning for your business as well as provide training and guidance on how to maximise the platform.

To learn more about its capabilities, to discuss implementation or receive a free demo of Viva Learning please contact our team today. We look forward to empowering your business to reach its full potential.

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